Monday 22 February 2016

Blogging as an Educational Platform

Interesting reading and something I'm keen to look into working on more with my future students.
Why Blog? by Greg Chantler

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Creativity & Research

An interesting read for people interested in creativity as an essential part of Arts Based Research.
see full issue here:


I'm betwixt and between....

Not a student, not employed, and waiting, for the next stage to begin.

Money is always part of the problem, but so is the unknowing - where, what, when? Clearly I am a control freak, I just don't like having it pointed out to me.

I have to sell myself. Why isn't a glowing Academic Transcript enough. How many High Distinctions do you need, for God's sake?

I should be making the most of this lull. Finish the painting, do some exercise, plant more vegetables, weed the veggie garden, get on my cushion and meditate, remember what it feels like to just be. But I want to bloody know what's next.

I have resorted to lists: of things to do, of things to cook, of things not to do. I want to rant and swear, but I'm mindful that this is a public platform, and I have a professional standard to maintain. Yes the irony, for my career that has not yet begun.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Me and the hoe have been busy.

I have vegies again. Newly planted and hopeful, it's the best attempt for quite some time.

This is Mark 2 or 3 in regards to keeping the kikuyu at bay. I've put weed mat down for a few months, and then rotary hoed the beds, added lime, gypsum and an organic complete fertiliser, and wacked the vegies in.

It's not even the right phase of the moon for anything bar potatoes, but I couldn't wait any longer.

Brown Dog is a bit too proprietorial for my liking where a corner bed is concerned, but all in all I'm feeling positive.

 Pulling back the weed mat and making a start.

 Creating the beds with the hoe.

 Working up a sweat with the broadfork.
 Soil de-compacted, limed, gypsymed and fertilised, and in with the vegies (cheating with pre-purchased seedlings because time is getting away from me).

Brown Dog being good.